Hotel City Comfort Inn Changde Lixian Taohuatan

Jinxiu Qiancun Building, No.532 Taohuatan, Liyang Street, Li County, 415599 Changde

Reserva tu habitación Hotel City Comfort Inn Changde Lixian Taohuatan

Hotel is located in Jinxiu Qiancun Building, 532 Taohuatan Road, Liyang Street, Lixian County, Changde City, adjacent to Lixian Party School, Local Taxation Bureau, Jiarunduo Shopping Mall, Backgammon Mall, Fortune Plaza, Backgammon Supermarket, and surrounding facilities Complete, close to a food street, to provide convenience for hotel guests to eat, live, entertain, and shop.    The hotel has 84 rooms of various types, and the rooms are fully equipped. There is also an elegant cross-border lobby with more than 50 buffet breakfasts, which is a good choice for business travel.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel City Comfort Inn Changde Lixian Taohuatan

El precio por noche en el Hotel City Comfort Inn Changde Lixian Taohuatan variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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