Hotel Anemoessa

Isternia Bay 6, 84200 Tinos

Reserva tu habitación Hotel Anemoessa

The Bay of Hysternion, one of the most enchanting bays with picturesque houses other snow-whited and other stone or mud-coloured, is 23 km North West from the city of Tinos and the seaport of Hysternion. Guests can also visit the village Hysternia. The village is 20 km away from the island"s town. It was built on the hillside of mountain Myrovigli and at 300 m height. It stands at the hysternia (at the last place) of the island from where the village took its name.The traditional newly built group of apartments with its Aegean style, stands only 70 m from the sea. Views to the sea and mountains are breathtaking. Here guests will finding the serenity they are looking for. All the rooms have standard facilities in order to make guests stay unforgettable. Daily service is provided.

Servicios Hotel Anemoessa

  • Admite mascotas (Consultar condiciones)
  • Parking
  • Adaptado personas de movilidad reducida

Características de las habitaciones

Servicios generales de las habitaciones
  • TV
  • Aire acondicionado individual
  • Baño
  • Ducha
  • Mini nevera

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel Anemoessa

El Hotel Anemoessa tiene las siguientes instalaciones:

Admite mascotas (Consultar condiciones)
Adaptado personas de movilidad reducida

No, en el Hotel Anemoessa no hay restaurante. Descubre aquí todas las características de esta y del resto de instalaciones y servicios que ofrece el Hotel Anemoessa.

El precio por noche en el Hotel Anemoessa variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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