Hotel City Comfort Inn Yulin Hongjin Zhongding Park Holiday Branch

No.1222 Erhuan Bei Road, 537003 Yulin

Reserva tu habitación Hotel City Comfort Inn Yulin Hongjin Zhongding Park Holiday Branch

The hotel is located in Hongjin Wholesale Market on the Second Ring Road of Yulin City, close to Yide International Trade City, Steel Exchange Market, Chengbei Bus Terminal, about 10-20 minutes drive from Yulin Bus Terminal, Dongjiao Bus Station, Yulin Railway Station, Hotel 1 Near the kilometer, there is a large shopping mall RT-Mart Chengbei store, which makes your travel and shopping more convenient and convenient. Near the hotel, there is Yuntian Cultural City, a 4A scenic spot in Yulin City. The Krawan Water Park and Yulin Garden Expo Park are within 7.5 km of the hotel. The hotel also has a dedicated parking lot for guests, complete package facilities, and is the preferred hotel for business travel and home travel.

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Preguntas frecuentes Hotel City Comfort Inn Yulin Hongjin Zhongding Park Holiday Branch

El precio por noche en el Hotel City Comfort Inn Yulin Hongjin Zhongding Park Holiday Branch variará según la fecha del viaje, el tipo de habitación y la antelación con la que se reserve. Consulta la disponibilidad y consigue el mejor precio aquí.

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